Follow-up acne questionnaire

Online chat is located in portal where you have to log in with Estonian mobile ID or ID card. When you choose phone call, doctor will call you during previously scheduled time.
Valitud number: 0
0 - clear skin 1 - few comedones and papules; 2 - comedones, papules and pustules; 3 - many comedones, papules, pustules and also one deeper nodule 4 - lots of comedones, papules, pustules and nodules 5 - very inflammatory acne, lots of hard and painful cysts, nodules, pustules and papules

Valitud number: 1
1 - have not used prescribed treatment; 3 - have used drugs sometimes; 5 - have used drugs as prescribed by the doctor
* answer this question if you are a woman
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.
Photos with a good quality are necessary to prescribe the best treatment plan for your skin. Do get the best photos, follow these simple rules: make your photos in a well lit room, best light is natural sunlight; photo background should be neutral in colour (for example a white coloured wall); do not use flash while taking photos; make photos without any makeup; make sure that the skin is in focus and the photo is not blurry; Take photos on the left side, right side and from the front of your face. In addition when take close up photo from the most problematic region. If you have any body acne, take photos from the back or the chest area also.
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